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The introduction of CCD visual inspectio
The introduction of CCD visual inspectio
2024-03-01 09:52:45
Vision inspection equipment enables high-precision image recognition and analysis, capable of detecting tiny defects or features. It can flexibly adapt to different products and application scenarios, and adapt to different detection requirements by adjusting parameters or training models. Complete product testing in a...
Minimalist visual inspection system
Minimalist visual inspection system
2024-03-05 09:52:45
Appearance visual inspection system? is an automatic inspection system which is used to detect and analyze the appearance features of objects by using computer vision technology.
The problems facing the development of m
The problems facing the development of m
2024-03-05 09:52:45
Machine vision industrial inspection technology in the process of continuous development, facing some challenges and problems, in a complex industrial environment, such as light changes, vibration, dust and other interference factors will affect the image quality and system stability, resulting in a decline in detectio...
Principle of machine vision defect detec
Principle of machine vision defect detec
2024-02-21 09:52:45
Machine vision? defect detection technology has a wide range of applications in industrial production, medical imaging, security monitoring and other fields, which can improve product quality, production efficiency and safety.
Components of a machine vision system
Components of a machine vision system
2024-01-19 09:52:45
Machine vision systems are widely used in industrial automation, intelligent monitoring, medical imaging and other fields to improve production efficiency and product quality.
Online vision inspection system Common f
Online vision inspection system Common f
2024-03-05 09:52:45
Online visual inspection system can be used for smooth placement of rubber parts, precision hardware parts, automobile, mobile phone parts, plastic parts, electronic parts and other high-precision products.
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