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The appearance is flawless, and the visu
The appearance is flawless, and the visu
2024-04-03 17:04:43
The cost of visual inspection? is lower than that of manual inspection. Today, labor and management costs are rising, and manual testing is a long-term, continuous cost input. The investment in machine vision inspection is mainly early,
Can automatic testing equipment replace
Can automatic testing equipment replace
2024-04-02 14:29:26
The fully automated inspection equipment detects the appearance defect and size of the commutator, and all the inspection items are completed at one time. High versatility, a single device can detect multiple commutator products. Industry-leading commutator inner and outer wall 360-degree defect detection, detection sp...
CCD machine vision inspection system com
CCD machine vision inspection system com
2024-04-11 17:01:48
CCD machine vision inspection equipment? is a non-contact measurement method, which can avoid the damage to the measured object. Suitable for high temperature, high pressure, fluid, environmental hazards and other difficult to access the measured object occasions, can replace manual operation, to ensure production effi...
Application of machine vision in printin
Application of machine vision in printin
2024-04-03 17:02:36
Machine vision is a comprehensive technology, including digital image processing technology, mechanical engineering technology, control technology, light source lighting technology, optical imaging technology, sensor technology,
How to choose the most suitable visual i
How to choose the most suitable visual i
2024-04-01 15:19:20
Visual inspection equipment can replace manual inspection, automatic selection of abnormal products. Because it can save a lot of costs for enterprises, it is loved by enterprises.
What are the instability factors behind
What are the instability factors behind
2024-04-02 17:02:15
When machine vision inspection equipment inspects products, it may encounter some unstable factors, which may affect the accuracy and consistency of the test results. Generally, the stability and accu
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