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What happens when plastic parts fail? Ho
What happens when plastic parts fail? Ho
2024-10-25 09:17:28
To address this issue, Guangdong Quandi has developed Sptec visual inspection equipment ?designed to assess both dimensions and surface defects of inductors, thereby significantly enhancing production efficiency and shipping quality.
Cloud disk high-speed detection machine
Cloud disk high-speed detection machine
2024-08-08 17:14:18
Inductance is a basic electronic component, also known as inductor or coil, and is often used in circuits. Its main function is to store electrical energy in the circuit and resist current changes.
Cloud disk high-speed detection machine
Cloud disk high-speed detection machine
2024-07-16 14:21:14
Capacitance is a basic electrical component used to store charge and energy in the circuit. Capacitors are usually separated by an insulating medium (called dielectric) between
Microelectronic appearance defect detect
Microelectronic appearance defect detect
2024-05-20 15:36:17
In the process of microelectronics production, foreign bodies, cracks and other defects often occur, and the use of manual detection alone can not guarantee the production and accuracy.
Visual inspection of electronic componen
Visual inspection of electronic componen
2024-05-10 14:22:48
Manufacturers gradually introduce visual inspection instead of manual to avoid wrong detection and leakage inspection, prevent products from bulge, damage, dislocation and other problems, improve shipping quality, enhance brand competitiveness.
Inductive product appearance detection,
Inductive product appearance detection,
2024-05-09 15:00:00
Inductors (inductors) are electromagnetic induction components made of insulated wires, which need to go through a number of complex processes in the entire production process. In the multi-process pr
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