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How to avoid appearance defects of plast
How to avoid appearance defects of plast
2024-04-28 14:08:51
Cloud high-speed vision inspection system?: using high-speed industrial cameras and advanced image processing algorithms, it can achieve rapid and accurate visual detection of products or objects, and identify various defects or features. It can complete the processing and analysis of a large amount of image data in a...
[Solution] magnetic dimension visual ins
[Solution] magnetic dimension visual ins
2024-04-24 13:58:05
With the continuous progress of science and technology, the magnetic material industry continues to emerge new types of magnetic materials, such as high-performance permanent magnet materials, soft ma
How can CCD visual inspection equipment
How can CCD visual inspection equipment
2024-04-24 09:13:31
Ceramic parts in the production process is easy to lead to lack of silver, silver hanging, silver surface scratching, leaving a small edge, pits, defects, coaxial light detection, detection, dirt, CCD visual detection equipment is recommended.
[Application Case] Vertical one-key visu
[Application Case] Vertical one-key visu
2024-04-23 16:26:31
One-click Vision measuring instrument, a device that integrates advanced vision inspection technology and measurement functions, enabling fast and accurate vision measurement with simple operation.
Embedded pipeline detection helps detect
Embedded pipeline detection helps detect
2024-04-17 17:31:11
Electronic parts are the basic components of electronic equipment, through the assembly and connection of electronic components to form a variety of circuits to achieve the function of electronic equi
How accurate is the high-speed visual in
How accurate is the high-speed visual in
2024-04-16 16:53:33
Rubber sealing ring in the production of the product lead to impurities, burrs, size, damage and other defects; The detection efficiency can reach no less than 300 pieces per minute. SP-T300 series cloud disk high-speed visual inspection equipment is recommended.
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